Services & Pricing: In-Home Organizing

  • Single 3 Hour Session $225

    Three hours of one-on-one organizing- a great jumpstart for those just wanting a little motivation. This is also generally enough time to conquer a small project such as a laundry room, kids’ closet, or book collection. Includes donation haul away at the end of our session.

  • 15 Hour Package $956 (15% Discount)

    A starter package of five sessions to tackle a few key trouble areas in your home: think a walk in closet and the kitchen, or a garage and a large playroom. Includes one carload of donation haul per session.

  • 30 Hour Package $1800 (20% Discount, Most Popular)

    Twice as much progress as our starter package! Ten sessions together is usually enough to conquer several large rooms and/ or complete some decluttering with another family member (for example downsizing toys with a kiddo). Includes one carload of donation haul per session.

  • 45 Hour Package $2531 (25% Discount)

    Our largest package designed for the biggest results! Attack clutter in all areas of your home and start to reclaim your space. Includes one carload of donation haul per session & up to ten pounds of free shredding. This package is a great option for those looking for help with a move!

Looking For Something Else?

Moving & packing services, as well as KonMari™ organizing, are available at the same rates listed above. Virtual organizing is available at a discounted rate- fill out this contact form for more info. Descriptions of areas able to be completed are estimates based on past experience; results may vary from client to client. Packages are to be paid in full at the start of the project and used within six months of purchase.

Kaitlin; Murphy, TX

We are so grateful for Hayli and her services! This was truly one of the best gifts I’ve received and our kids even enjoyed the process of organizing alongside her. She made it fun, simple and not overwhelming whatsoever. Having a system that everyone in our family can use and enjoy has been so refreshing and has reduced a tremendous amount of stress.”

Jena; Plano, TX

Hayli’s work with our family has been amazing! First, she helped de-clutter and reorganize my kitchen from 3 generations of handed down utensils to a much better, cleaner operational space.

However, the most impressive work was with my 11 year old. My daughter has mental health challenges so getting rid of anything causes her great distress. Hayli had infinite patience with her and was able to explain the process and the benefits to being more organized. In the end, my daughter voluntarily donated about 70% of her old toys and embraced the calming aspect of having a clean space.